
Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 a mixed bag again!

I remember the original 9/11. The one that burned its date into all our minds forever.

I was putzing around the house, you know the way a lazy home maker does. My girl friend called me, and told me to turn on the t.v. we watched together.

The second plane crashed.

The Towers fell.

Our hearts stopped.

Even in Canada so far away, the fear and sadness was in the air. Nothing had provoked the attack. It just happened.

The air was cool on that Autumn day (it was Canada remember) and the air was thick with sadness. Our little town practically shut down. Our youth activities turned into counseling and prayer.

Were we safe? How many would die?

The heart break we watch on the TV screen was unforgettable. So many dead. So many missing.

A country violated.

BUT then the people pulled together, the charity, service and kindness took over.

As horrible and sad as it was, as the stories of Christlike love and service came forward, you could feel the humanity left in the world. America would pick themselves up, dust themselves off and move forward. Together.

Push forward 10 years and you have today.

For the past 5 days all of Canada and people from around the world have been praying for a 3 year old boy Kienan. Kienan was abducted from his home in a sleepy small town. He was taken while he slept.

They believe the abductor to be a 46 year old man with a past history of sexual abuse against boys. A couple years ago this man had found a empty cabin, and 9 months later had turned it into a sex prison for a young boy. Luckily the boy he had targetted got away, and his deviant lair was never used.

Knowing this sexual deviant had little Kienan was heart breaking to watch. Where was he hiding him? Was he still alive? We all prayed and hoped, but faith was being lost by me that he would be found alive.

Today I woke up to the news “Kienan returned home alive”

The creeper had taken Kienan back to his home, left him there and called police to tell them where to find him. (the family was staying across the street because their home was a crime scene). The dad seen lights outside and police cars, he went out to see what the commotion was, and there was his little boy, sitting on the couch with the blanket he was abducted with!

A 9/11 miracle.

A sign that even those that evil whose hearts have been taken over by the dark side, can find humanity! They can still do good.

So for me, 9/11 is a mixed bag of sorrow and miracles. Surrounded by evil, yet good finds a way to break free every time.

Welcome home Kienan!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nurture your children…

AS a Latter Day Saint, it is my belief that it is my sacred duty to bear children, and then to nurture them.

It is my duty as a mother, to teach my children

  • Faith
  • Compassion
  • Charity
  • Love
  • Laughter
  • Individual Worth
  • Virtue

At times it seems like a over whelming responsibility!

I wish I could say that every Monday at 7pm we have family night. Every night at 8 we have family scripture. Each morning I arise at 6am to have prayer with my children.

I could tell you all that, but it would be a big fat lie!

I am not sure why our family struggles so much to keep those simple things in our lives, but we do.

I truly believe to teach all my children these roles, I need to exercise them in my life. I need to act with Faith, Charity and Compassion. I need to show my love, keep my virtue. I need to show my children that like them, I am a daughter of God. I am of great worth!

And I must sometimes just laugh, laugh at my failures at our struggles! Laugh because, darn it feels good!

I guess my point is not so much that you I need to be perfect to raise your children to be righteous, confident Latter Day Saints, I just need to never give up! I need to be all the things I am trying to teach them.

Putting my best foot forward, with each step I take!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The facts of life…

Some things in life are just facts.

No matter what, they don’t change.

1) Sandwiches always taste better cut in 4.

2) If you can sleep in, you never do.

3) If you cannot sleep in, you really could.

4) If you broke, all things break or need repair.

5) NAFTA free trade work permits, are silly. You cannot obtain one if you have any intention of staying. Unfortunately once you live in the US, it hurts to think of leaving. And not just because of the dairy prices. Or the housing prices. I really like the people! (I know Kat who would have thought)

6) If you don’t buy something because the price is high, when you go back next time, it will be even higher. Hello no Bacon.

7) Teenagers are crazy. They can love you and they can hate you. And sometimes all in the same day.

8) Men and women are polar opposites… Men have hardly anything floating through their heads, and we have millions of things swirling and festering.

9) My children destroy all my vacuum cleaners. Pick up the paper and sequence please.

10) Red heads are far more stubborn than any other head.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

For her children...

I had originally planned on blogging about the opportunity I had to cater the food for a wedding. All desserts even!

But as I read my blog list, I instead sit in tears. Tears of support or sadness I am not sure yet.

My very good friend G has been battling cancer for a few months. She is doing great as far as things are looking good.

But the cancer has not just reeked havoc on her body, it has played with the minds of her children and distorted how she looks.

G is gorgeous, she works out hard, she takes time in her grooming to look her best. She isn't a high maintenance look though, she is a definite natural beauty. Currently she is bald as a que ball (she says has freakish sprouts), puffy face, no eyelashes, red patches of dry skin, and thinning brows. She doesn't like to see her self. Who would really? I feel for her having no choice in how she looks. But I know she would rather look like crap for a while and raise her children.

What really hurts my heart is her poor babies. They are confused and scared. Are they going to get cancer? Are they going to die? Is there mommy going to die? I feel for G, how do console them? Comfort them?

When I pray for her I pray more for her kids... I pray that their mommy will beat the breast cancer. Not just beat it, but kick the crap out of it. I pray that they will be comforted. I pray that they will adjust well and not be greatly affected by these circumstances around them. I pray that their hearts will be light.

Maybe you can pray for them too?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A full heart…

Life has been having plenty of adventures lately. We have had our lives touched by Cancer, Death and Love.

I have so much that I could talk about, but I just want to talk about one thing.


With the world so full of hate, war and destruction, love and compassion prevail. How grateful I am for all those in the world that see hardship and heart break and then immediately jump in to help make it better.

I have a friend like this, she is the most generous person I have ever met. She gives and gives without asking. She doesn’t need attention or a show of her kindness she just does.

Recently she found out one of my friends lost her husband. She doesn’t know this friend, she will never meet her, but immediately she made plans for a gift for her. She does not question whether she should, she just does. She just acts out of love.

I believe that when we have a notion to do good, it isn’t from us, it is God giving us a gentle nudge to help one of his children. How it warms my heart to know I have a friend who doesn’t even attend a church regularly, that feels those nudges so often, and is so receptive to acting upon them.

I want to be more like her. May we all put others first a little more often and act upon those gentle nudges a little more quickly.

Thanks for being such a great example Chantal! (haha you thought I wasn’t going to mention a name!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Growing this much should be illegal!

I never approved this! My baby is big! And SEVEN! Which means soon to be sassy and well... a jerk! I love my sweet little snugglebug... What am I to do when she is done with me!

But at the same time, I am grateful for her health and ability to grow and progress. I cannot wish that away!

Just never forget little one, even when you don't like me, I will always love you, with every fiber of my being!
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Saturday, April 30, 2011

It is time!


For those of you who know me, you know that I am trying to help raise money for my friend Geneva. Geneva is struggling with Breast Cancer, or as my sister says, Kicking Breast Cancer’s Arse (well Geveva would say Arse, Kat would say A#$)

Head on over to facebook and check out the auction at The Geneva Convention

Thanks friends!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do I dare…

I just realized I am a scardie cat…

I got an email a couple weeks ago from a good friend, I honestly thought it would be a prego announcement or new address announcement as it was a group message on facebook.

My friend has breast cancer. Instantly my heart broke for her, for her family. For her parents, how can your babies be sick? How that must feel, I never want to know. For her children who will have to grow up a lot over the next year, part of their childhood is stolen. For her husband, I cannot even put into words how I imagine that news would affect a spouse.

My first thought was what can I do. How can I help, I am 14 hours away, clearly physically I cannot.

I arranged a necklace to be designed and sold to benefit her family, I helped with a couple auctions.

Of course, really I am being chicken, afraid to do what I have wanted to do. My first reaction was, well when she goes bald, so do I. I will shave my head to make her have a good needed laugh and to help her with her expenses.

I am actually excited about the bald thought, it will be interesting, and accessorizing… What I am afraid of is not meeting my goal. I have never met a goal in my entire life. Can I actually raise enough money to help her feel beautiful again?

You see I am not talking hair. I am talking about the fact that she is afraid to look at herself, she hates that he tummy now sticks out further than her chest. My friend needs a new boob… (That’s what her and her kids call it)

I need to raise enough money to give her a regular, womanly chest. Ya scoff if you wish, then envision yourself without one. Call if vanity if you will, but our breasts (or boobies) is what defines us in many ways. The sisters help us look good, they nurture our babies, they help us rule the worldWinking smile

Which brings me to the fact, I have been skirting, I am afraid to fall short of my “boobie” goal. I like to think I put it off because someone else is shaving their head already… but that is just another fib, like the ones I tell my self about cookies are not a problem, when actually they are more like crack cocaine to a hooker. I am afraid to take a leap and push for it…

As I have with so many  other things….

So this is what I have to say. I Heather Brandi MacKay will raise $3000 to buy my friend Geneva a new boobie… Unless she decides to use it towards her medical expenses… Once I have raised the $3000, I will be having a party, and I will be shaving my head on skype… for Geneva to see!

If anyone hears of a boobie sale, do let me knowSmile 

Better run, I need a cookie!

For a heartfelt read, check out

Friday, March 18, 2011

Home Sick…

This is my girl.IMG_0816

Other people adore her, she even likes other people. But she is mine. I pour better water, make a better sandwich. I am just pretty much amazing according to her.

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A couple months ago, her teacher told me Meliah was complaining about being sick daily. I thought maybe it was digestion so started watching what she ate and increased vitamins.


I spoke to her teacher yesterday, and it has been resolved. She asked Meliah one day what kind of sick, how did it feel?


She told her teacher “well kind of like home sick”

How could you not love this kid!

Monday, February 28, 2011

EWWWWW…. The Tale of a new Vacuum….

I have been wanting a new vacuum for awhile. We got a cheap one when we moved here, but the kids sucked up paper and other assorted wrong items… needless to say it didn’t last long! Constant problems!

I started to look into different kinds, I borrowed a friends Dyson. Great cleaning but I it was a little pricey for me and there was a couple things that bugged me. My sister recommended I get the Bissell pet, she has had one for a long time with 2 huge shedding dogs.

Also, I have trouble pulling the trigger on anything that costs more than $24.99, so I waited. I waited. Then I waited some more. Until one day, while we were doing chores, the vacuum broke a belt (a belt I had just replaced) so I threw a tantrum and went to the Sears online store and bought one…

3 hours later I vacuumed and it was disgusting. I did a 6 foot X 6 foot area 3 times. Then I gave up and began to look forward to buying a house again and not having carpet.

Vacuum session 1hairball 3

Vacuum session 2 hairball 2

Vacuum Session 3 hair ball 3

And still this much dirt!IMG_3278

This is where I quit, gave up and thought about wood floors…

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My daughter rocks!

Terann found a shirt from Papaya that she wantedc72139_4501

But she didn’t have enough money for it… she scrounged around for loose change, but was still short.

Yes I could have given her a $1, but we are trying to get away from buying things just because we want them.

She convinced her dad to give her his only plain white tee. She got our her scissors, charcoals, sharpie, fabric, needle and thread and made it herself. I don’t think she is quite done, but I am sharing the picture anyways.IMG_3212

Isn’t she awesome?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This makes me happy…

I am not sure which makes me happier?


Or this:IMG_3183

Or this:IMG_3186

We love a good banana muffin (with chocolate of course), but there is some problems with making Banana Muffins… Firstly I thought I didn’t know how, and Secondly only broccoli goes bad here. Never a banana!

I solved the first issue when my little sister asked me to make banana muffins while I was at her house. She pulled out the recipe. The same recipe my sister Kat uses… Yes a recipe out of a cook book I gave them. Yes a recipe from one of my friends… Maybe I haven’t tried muffins in a few years is the bigger problem!  I made Amie and Rich a huge batch of muffins, and they got consumed very quickly. Apparently I can make banana muffins!With the right recipe of course.

But that does not solve problem #2 the fact that I have 4 children who love fruit. I have Josh. I once seen Josh eating a pear, beside him was 2 oranges, a banana and a yogurt, to top it off. I have never had more than 1 banana go “too ripe”. I took it as a challenge, double the amount I bought… Nope didn’t work. Until finally I bought double the amount of ugly banana’s. Not one got eaten! I bought 6 or 8 lbs last week, which means lots of muffins!!! Yay me! 40 muffins later with enough in the freezer to make more later, I am banana muffin content!

Here is the recipe, it belongs to Bunny Kitt from Cranbrook. Bunny is a great cook, a frugal cook, and the smartest woman I have ever met in my life!!!

Banana Muffins

1/3 cup oil

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1 cup mashed banana

1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup chocolate chips (Ya right, better double that!)

Blend first 4 ingredients, mix well, add all the dry ingredients and mix lightly. Bake at 325 for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Words of Wisdom by Meliah

“You should dye your hair soon mom, I see LOTS of Gray”

“NEVER ever put your leg under your butt when you have gas!”

“Ewww it stinks here, it smells like Aunty Kat” when we went to a health food store.

What would I do without her insights!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internal Monologues

I have been thinking a lot lately about how in the new cyber world we live in, we have lost touch with our inner monologues. In the days of our grandparents, I really don’t think that a really phenomenally bad smelling “fart” would be a story that would be worthy of long distance bills or postage to alert family and friends. Unfortunately with Twitter and Facebook, we think it, we see it, we do it, we want it and we post it to let the entire world know.

When did it become socially acceptable to bear all our unedited inner thoughts to civilization? Funny moments, sad moments, annoying neighbors, internal moments, its all out there for all to read. I myself am an avid player at this, my kids say something funny, I post it. I have a random thought, I post it. Sometimes I see something that humours me in a store and I think to myself this is facebook worthy. The only thing I draw the line at is lashing out.

Many people in our cyber world have also deemed it socially acceptable to ridicule, slam or taunt others in their Facebook statuses or tweets. Many of us think that it’s okay to say whatever we want through our fingers, with no comprehension of how others might feel or perceive these actions. We have long forgotten what Thumper’s mother taught us all “If you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all". If it isn’t appropriate to say in person, do not type it, and definitely don’t make it your status.

I recently tried to explain this phenomenon to an older member of our society. This person had unintentionally offended someone else with an email. I myself having read the email was shocked at the demanding tone and felt it incredibly out of line and very rude. The author on the other hand thought they were just asking a simple question out of concern. I spent a bit of time trying to explain that when you read text you do not hear a tone of voice, therefore it is easy for messages to be read in the complete opposite way that it was intended.

Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying I do not enjoy the cyber world we live in. In fact I LOVE it!  It really is an amazing world we live in. I love that I am able to keep very close contact with friends and family. I even admit, our move has not been overly challenging to me because I do not even feel far away or disconnected from my loved ones because I know what is going on in their every day lives and what they are often thinking.

The point I wish to make is that, I wish that our fingers, had the sought after, once common inner monologue… Past generations may have called it common courtesy or self control. I will admit, I work constantly on getting a inner monologue for my fingers, hence the delete key is my best friend!

That being said, clearly all of my Facebook friends would know that clearly I am a work in progress!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog contests…

The blog world is an interesting world! I myself enjoy reading blogs that leave me feeling enriched, having left me with an uplifting thought or a new idea or even a big smile.

Last summer I seen a posting on Facebook about  a contest win a photo-shoot. To enter you needed to follow the blog, which I did and I won! This is really what opened the door for me to the blogging world. I started following a few blogs and entering more contests.

I have thus far, as of tonight won 5 blog contests.

  1. Photo Shoot - Ashley Lowder 
  2. Family Necklace - We talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ or Chocolate on my Cranium they did a month of giveaways together to celebrate the Proclamation to the Family. I don’t remember which blog was my lucky one!
  3. Teen Chore Reward Coupons -My Heart and Home
  4. 25 Professionally Designed Christmas Cards- Ashley Lowder (I know what are the chances)
  5. Free purse of my choice - Envy my Cooking

What I have learned?

  1. I never follow blogs that are only for winning products. Generally these blogs are making money from promoting the items. I don’t find them enjoyable, its seems like a constant sales pitch. Boring plus the chances of winning would be slim.
  2. If it feels like work to enter, maybe skip it. Blog reading should be fun, entering a contest is also for fun, don’t let it become work.
  3. Set up a Blogger Account and add blogs you like to your list. Then when you have some time and want to read your favourite blogs, you just go to your account and all your updated blogs will be listed.
  4. Often your favourite blogs will provide links to other blogs, check them out. It is a great way to find some great blogs. I have found my favourite blogs by following those little oddly colored links.
  5. Comment! I love to get comments, and I often get comments or emails from the authors of blogs I commented on. I feel like I am friends with some of the bloggers I follows.
  6. Blogging opens up the world! You are able to see more of the world, learn new skills and get to know how other people function in their lives.

My favourite blogs:

Rabbit in the Head Lights this woman cracks me up! She is the first one I look for when checking my updated list. I find myself in Costco checking out dried Mangoes (to cheap to buy them however) and saying Hello Lover to all the samples… You have to check her out!

Envy my Cooking – Great recipes from real people, they also show readers updated kitchens. They have several fun contests each month. I would recommend checking them out.

Seriously so Blessed – poking fun at Mormon/Utah culture. Basically someone is portraying the most stereo typical young high maintenance LDS mom there is. It is very humorous, and be prepared for some LBL while reading (and during sacrament when you see some of the scenario’s being acted out). Oh LBL? Light Bladder Leakage (Thanks Danielle)

Bakerella – she is my cake pop Guru, great tips, great ideas, she is the my idol!

Cake Wrecks – Photo’s of professional cakes gone bad!

We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ – great idea’s for raising LDS children and living on less. I have gotten many great idea’s from her blog. Cannot wait for my birthday (you’ll see why in May).

Simple Inspiration – I also really enjoy this blog, just a warm homey blog.

What are you favorite blogs?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What should we do…

I feel something big, something fabulous?

What should we do, us the MacKay family in 2011?MJH_3285 2

Any ideas?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog share!

I just had to pass along a link so you can read my friends blog. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so very lucky!

Take a quick peek, it’s about Hope.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What do you do?

So what do you do? What do you do when your deepest desire, the thing you want more than anything, is something you cannot do for yourself?

I have a friend who has this very issue! What does she want? Motherhood. She wants to be a mother, to love and cherish a little one.

There isn’t a lot you can do once your adoption paper work is done, but wait, and wait and wait! With all the cyber networking maybe we can make a difference? It’s worth a try!

If you know anyone who may be thinking of placing a baby, please pass along this link Holly and Aaron. Be sure to check Holly and Aaron out yourself, they are such a great couple!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Surprise Snack

We have a little thing in our house, mainly with Meliah. She will ask for “Surprise Snacks”. Not a big deal, you get her something that will be yummy and different.

The problem is she doesn’t let you reuse the snack! She remembers them all! She loved the peanut butter and banana pinwheels. (I rolled out bread, spread peanut butter, rolled it with a banana and sliced) On the third time I presented the “Surprise Snack” she rejected it… So we try to be creative.

This week we haven’t a lot of fun options, so this was her “Surprise Snack”IMG_3117

Yes, I Mother of the Year, sat her on the washing machine, in the laundry room with a Orange and a peeler…IMG_3118IMG_3119

She did however love it and stayed there for 2 hours.

Disclaimer, I blame my sister Kat for the weird Snack attacks, Kat always does taste tests with them and they love it. They try everything, tofu, olives, avocado… So this is Meliah’s version of the game.

Side note on the Orange… I don’t’ think they sell Mandarin Oranges here… Never found them this year or last, have asked around and they all say, “huh, maybe we don’t have them”. They have little California Oranges, but they aren’t the sameSad smile 

What is your Favourite Snack?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pizza Night!

Want your kids to eat all their supper? Have them cook it! This is something we have been doing for a while and it works great. Caleb is my fussy one, and somehow every meal he makes is the best meal EVER!

Generally each child has 1 night per week that they help cook. They pick the meal (usually on Sunday’s we plan the week) then they come in the kitchen at 4:30 and unload the dishwasher and help get supper going. This time we did pizza, but it was no ones night to help, and almost everyone wanted to help! So it was a group effort.

I made the pizza dough: Recipe disclaimer, I am a fiddler, this recipe gives a nice elasticy dough, but the taste could be better. I will tell you how I did it this time and then how I would tweek it later.

This makes 3 big pizza’s… Easily cut in half or thirds.

7 1/2 cups of Flour

3 tbsp of yeast (next time I will only use 2)

3 tbsp sugar (next time I will use 1/4 cup)

3 cups warm water

1/2 cup oil

1 tbsp italian seasoning

1 tsp salt

Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl (I use my trusty Empire Red Kitchen Aid) mix for a bit. Add the water and oil. Knead for 5 minutes or so. If it seems to dry add a bit more oil. (I use Olive)

When it is well mixed put it in a oiled bowl, cover and let sit 15-30 minutes. I always put the bowl somewhere warm, on the stove, under a light, near a candle… Not sure if it is necessary, but my breads and buns ALWAYS turn out.

I like to divide the dough, work onto a pizza pan and then bake for 10-15 minutes (until its just about cooked) then add toppings. Clearly I have a large family, so this makes just enoughSmile , the girls like their own, so we make 2 really large pizza’s and two individual pizza’s.

Here is the where the kids took over (Meliah the 6 year old usually is very involved in the mixing the dough, but she had more pressing things to do, like riding her scooter with Molly her Waldorf doll).

Working on crustIMG_3084Terann laughing at why she isn’t making hers on the pan!IMG_3086Caleb is a bit of a perfectionist! Of course his goal was the best Pizza ever! EVER!

Rationing the Olives.IMG_3089The hand print pizza…IMG_3090IMG_3092Snoopy! Pepperoni, Olive and Cheese.IMG_3097Meliah’s Cheese and Olive Hand Print!IMG_3099Caleb’s best Pepperoni Pizza Ever!IMG_3101Mom’s Ham and Pineapple, with a bit of Olives!IMG_3100Dinner is ready!IMG_3102Terann’s Snoopy is just so cute!IMG_3103

Terann’s Pizza’s past!IMG_2414Hello Kitty!

Cook with your kids! It’s amazing the things you can learn, they become the biggest advocates at the table to try new things, and everything tastes that much better to them!

Favourite Kid’s meals that they help cook:

Breakfast Burrito’s



Taco Soup

Roast Beast with mashed potatoes and gravy

Not Shake n’ Bake Chicken

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Enchilada’s

Baked potato’s and Chicken


Have fun everyone!

10 Fabulous things about 2010!

10. Macjam, MacJam is way more fun than I imagined (I admit I thought it would be lame, but wanted to support Shane!) MacJam ROCKS!IMG_1080

9. Utah – we love living in Utah.IMG_1206

8. Moab- Tanya and her family came down and we had so much fun hiking in Arches National Park.Delicate

7. Using our Air miles for our awesome new camera. I love free. (be sure to note how fat I am in this photo)IMG_1195

6. Winning 4 blog contests (technically 5, but I didn’t claim one of the prizes). Winning is fun, but winning things you love is even better! I would love this trend to stay for 2011!IMG_2651


5. Shane! Not only are we at a great spot, but that guy ran a freaking marathon! Seriously 26.2 miles is far! (He is hot)IMG_2498

4. I got to go to almost everyone of the boys football games. I missed 1 of Josh’s and 1 of Caleb’s.Caleb football

josh tackling

3. I got to see my baby sister have a baby, and then stay to teach her how to bath Ava and all that fun stuff. Even if I had to share a couch with a disgusting chicken, it was worth it.IMG_2531

2. Eli loves me… I love to be an Aunty, and I love that my nephew will skype me and just show me things. Sends his mom away to bake cookies and shows me all his toys… I love it!Heather and Meliah

1. I love 40 pounds in 2010! That rocks!MJH_3189Heather 2

There is more I know, but don’t want to go on forever!

What’s your top ten?