It dawned on me today that time change has made me a little bit cranky…
But I mean at 8:09am on Sunday morning (technically it would have been 7:09) when you only have 20 minutes to get ready, how are you not supposed to blame your husband… I mean geesh I get up at 7:45, and yes I said I wanted to sleep in, but not till 8:09…
So I was just mocked on Facebook by my friend Todd. Now Todd is a computer geek, who eats his weight in glorious food everyday… But before he does that, he takes a picture of it. Skinny as he is, I think I gain weight looking at his pictures.
I met Todd while serving him on Heidi's Restaurant. What? You don’t become Facebook friends with people you serve? Well you should it is fun. He isn’t even crazy, well maybe a little, but he has come to visit us in Utah twice. He likes my food.
Anywhoo Todd enjoys teasing me. A LOT. Today’s topic was mocking my life as a housewife… So I thought I should let you know how hard I actually don’t work!
7:45 (not 8:09) – Arise, beautiful with wonderful breath of course.

8:00 am Wake up Sleeping Beauty and get her ready for school.

Laundry started, slow cooker started.
8:30 am Go to Gym with Karina,
Pull ups, Push ups, inverted Pull ups, creepy goblet squat ups, leg ups, planks on ball, 20 minutes cardio. 
10 am Arrive home and start my day
Protein Shake with Facebook time (crucial part of the day)
Shower (some might say crucial)
11 am a trip to…. WALMART! Oh the fun!
Beans, tomato soup, chocolate almond milk, snap peas, carrots, snacks for Shane’s office. Oh and realizing that I am old and grumpy and wish people would pay attention to their kids… It isn’t the kids fault, how about the spaced out parents ignoring them (one woman smacked her kid for being in my way, but proceeded to hold up 5 people by meandering and not paying attention)
1 pm JC Penney!

To pay a bill for my brother in law
2 pm lunch – Giant salad with sunflower seeds, almonds and cranberries and a vinaigrette, YUMM!
Then the domestic part, I had to clean the kitchen!

Whoops, forgot about Laundry… Switch that around.
3 pm Drive 6 miles to pick up Caleb.
3:30 pm gave up on finding Josh and Drive Caleb the 6 miles home. We did stop at the creamery for some Mormon Milk 3 gallons for $5.55. Caleb got a donut of course.

4:00 PM arrive home. Find sweet and sour sauce recipe and procrastinate making it.
4:15 PM argue with Josh as to why HE should have to sort his own laundry…
Do Laundry.
5:00 PM Drive Terann to Cheer Class.
5:15 PM Get home. Hang out with Anna and Courtney at the mail box. Show my age by being shocked Courtney’s new pants are all ripped up.
Make supper:
Sweet and Sour Sauce
2 cups brown sugar
2 tbsp Flour
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp ketchup
boil til it thickens.
I slow cooked the boneless ribs all day, then put them on a pan and covered in the sweet and sour sauce and baked for 45 minutes. Possibly to long…
Green beans (ummm delish, I think I ate them all)
6:30 PM Dinner
Caleb hates rice. Everyone hates Beans.

Argue with Josh about why he needs to not be a jerk.
7:00 PM Read over new health care paper work (YAY us)
7:30 PM Lay on couch like an old man, sleeping but still able to hear your own freakish sounds…
8:00 PM realize you were making freakish sounds and get up and watch the voice while folding laundry.
9:00 PM Clean up the kitchen that was neglected after supper.
10:00 PM Get distracted by Todd’s teasing and blog about your boring yet enjoyable house wife duties…
12:00 AM Night Night
Funny thing is, I like it. I like it a lot. I joke, but come one, most people work all day then have to do the things in an hour that I take 8 to do… I have it pretty sweet! (don’t tell Shane I said that) And Hey, Tuesday is Pasta Tuesday!
(PS Graphic info here, lately I have been teasing my sister, pay back for when she used to wonder how I got up each morning knowing this is my life! Karma has kicked her in the butt with twins at 40… anyways I tease her. This month my baby maker was 7 days late… talk about freak out, so moral of the story, never ever tease! Karma is a stinker)
For Kat…