This is not going to be my usual happy post or one that is even coherent…
But I am just going to out it…
It just isn’t fair…
How can G’s cancer have spread so quickly? How can such a young fun loving mom, be facing this?
Ya I get God has a plan, and I am a strong believer in this, but how can this beautiful loveable mommy have stage IV cancer?
She should be worrying that her little kids turn out to be good teenagers, not be worrying that she won’t see those years. She should be adoring her adoring husband, not wondering if she will live happily ever after with him.
I am sorry, I am being selfish, and not a good friend. But I hate this. When my gramma died of cancer, she did it with courage, without complaint, because in her mind she was saving the young mommies by being the one with cancer.
I invoke the trade my gramma was willing to give, let this mommy live! Let her raise her kids! Let her do all those silly and funny and wonderful things she has dreamed of doing. Let her be her.
The other sucky part, as much as my heart breaks for her, I am just so dang glad it isn’t me! What a awesome friend I am, I will do anything for you, except trade spots with you… That isn’t a path I want to take.
Please pray for my dear friend G. She is going to fight this, pray she wins! So her little kidlets W, K and C can have their mommy.
If you want to read more about my beautiful friend, check out her BLOG. If you wish to help her financially as she fights for her life. Fights for the opportunity to raise her kids… We are putting together an auction to benefit her and taking donations HERE.
Oh made me cry this morning. I don't know your friend but I am praying for her and her family. It seems like more and more young families are facing this level of devastatingly hard trials. I am praying that you will be strengthened as well. It is not easy to watch our friends go through hard things.