
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internal Monologues

I have been thinking a lot lately about how in the new cyber world we live in, we have lost touch with our inner monologues. In the days of our grandparents, I really don’t think that a really phenomenally bad smelling “fart” would be a story that would be worthy of long distance bills or postage to alert family and friends. Unfortunately with Twitter and Facebook, we think it, we see it, we do it, we want it and we post it to let the entire world know.

When did it become socially acceptable to bear all our unedited inner thoughts to civilization? Funny moments, sad moments, annoying neighbors, internal moments, its all out there for all to read. I myself am an avid player at this, my kids say something funny, I post it. I have a random thought, I post it. Sometimes I see something that humours me in a store and I think to myself this is facebook worthy. The only thing I draw the line at is lashing out.

Many people in our cyber world have also deemed it socially acceptable to ridicule, slam or taunt others in their Facebook statuses or tweets. Many of us think that it’s okay to say whatever we want through our fingers, with no comprehension of how others might feel or perceive these actions. We have long forgotten what Thumper’s mother taught us all “If you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all". If it isn’t appropriate to say in person, do not type it, and definitely don’t make it your status.

I recently tried to explain this phenomenon to an older member of our society. This person had unintentionally offended someone else with an email. I myself having read the email was shocked at the demanding tone and felt it incredibly out of line and very rude. The author on the other hand thought they were just asking a simple question out of concern. I spent a bit of time trying to explain that when you read text you do not hear a tone of voice, therefore it is easy for messages to be read in the complete opposite way that it was intended.

Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying I do not enjoy the cyber world we live in. In fact I LOVE it!  It really is an amazing world we live in. I love that I am able to keep very close contact with friends and family. I even admit, our move has not been overly challenging to me because I do not even feel far away or disconnected from my loved ones because I know what is going on in their every day lives and what they are often thinking.

The point I wish to make is that, I wish that our fingers, had the sought after, once common inner monologue… Past generations may have called it common courtesy or self control. I will admit, I work constantly on getting a inner monologue for my fingers, hence the delete key is my best friend!

That being said, clearly all of my Facebook friends would know that clearly I am a work in progress!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog contests…

The blog world is an interesting world! I myself enjoy reading blogs that leave me feeling enriched, having left me with an uplifting thought or a new idea or even a big smile.

Last summer I seen a posting on Facebook about  a contest win a photo-shoot. To enter you needed to follow the blog, which I did and I won! This is really what opened the door for me to the blogging world. I started following a few blogs and entering more contests.

I have thus far, as of tonight won 5 blog contests.

  1. Photo Shoot - Ashley Lowder 
  2. Family Necklace - We talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ or Chocolate on my Cranium they did a month of giveaways together to celebrate the Proclamation to the Family. I don’t remember which blog was my lucky one!
  3. Teen Chore Reward Coupons -My Heart and Home
  4. 25 Professionally Designed Christmas Cards- Ashley Lowder (I know what are the chances)
  5. Free purse of my choice - Envy my Cooking

What I have learned?

  1. I never follow blogs that are only for winning products. Generally these blogs are making money from promoting the items. I don’t find them enjoyable, its seems like a constant sales pitch. Boring plus the chances of winning would be slim.
  2. If it feels like work to enter, maybe skip it. Blog reading should be fun, entering a contest is also for fun, don’t let it become work.
  3. Set up a Blogger Account and add blogs you like to your list. Then when you have some time and want to read your favourite blogs, you just go to your account and all your updated blogs will be listed.
  4. Often your favourite blogs will provide links to other blogs, check them out. It is a great way to find some great blogs. I have found my favourite blogs by following those little oddly colored links.
  5. Comment! I love to get comments, and I often get comments or emails from the authors of blogs I commented on. I feel like I am friends with some of the bloggers I follows.
  6. Blogging opens up the world! You are able to see more of the world, learn new skills and get to know how other people function in their lives.

My favourite blogs:

Rabbit in the Head Lights this woman cracks me up! She is the first one I look for when checking my updated list. I find myself in Costco checking out dried Mangoes (to cheap to buy them however) and saying Hello Lover to all the samples… You have to check her out!

Envy my Cooking – Great recipes from real people, they also show readers updated kitchens. They have several fun contests each month. I would recommend checking them out.

Seriously so Blessed – poking fun at Mormon/Utah culture. Basically someone is portraying the most stereo typical young high maintenance LDS mom there is. It is very humorous, and be prepared for some LBL while reading (and during sacrament when you see some of the scenario’s being acted out). Oh LBL? Light Bladder Leakage (Thanks Danielle)

Bakerella – she is my cake pop Guru, great tips, great ideas, she is the my idol!

Cake Wrecks – Photo’s of professional cakes gone bad!

We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ – great idea’s for raising LDS children and living on less. I have gotten many great idea’s from her blog. Cannot wait for my birthday (you’ll see why in May).

Simple Inspiration – I also really enjoy this blog, just a warm homey blog.

What are you favorite blogs?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What should we do…

I feel something big, something fabulous?

What should we do, us the MacKay family in 2011?MJH_3285 2

Any ideas?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog share!

I just had to pass along a link so you can read my friends blog. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so very lucky!

Take a quick peek, it’s about Hope.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What do you do?

So what do you do? What do you do when your deepest desire, the thing you want more than anything, is something you cannot do for yourself?

I have a friend who has this very issue! What does she want? Motherhood. She wants to be a mother, to love and cherish a little one.

There isn’t a lot you can do once your adoption paper work is done, but wait, and wait and wait! With all the cyber networking maybe we can make a difference? It’s worth a try!

If you know anyone who may be thinking of placing a baby, please pass along this link Holly and Aaron. Be sure to check Holly and Aaron out yourself, they are such a great couple!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Surprise Snack

We have a little thing in our house, mainly with Meliah. She will ask for “Surprise Snacks”. Not a big deal, you get her something that will be yummy and different.

The problem is she doesn’t let you reuse the snack! She remembers them all! She loved the peanut butter and banana pinwheels. (I rolled out bread, spread peanut butter, rolled it with a banana and sliced) On the third time I presented the “Surprise Snack” she rejected it… So we try to be creative.

This week we haven’t a lot of fun options, so this was her “Surprise Snack”IMG_3117

Yes, I Mother of the Year, sat her on the washing machine, in the laundry room with a Orange and a peeler…IMG_3118IMG_3119

She did however love it and stayed there for 2 hours.

Disclaimer, I blame my sister Kat for the weird Snack attacks, Kat always does taste tests with them and they love it. They try everything, tofu, olives, avocado… So this is Meliah’s version of the game.

Side note on the Orange… I don’t’ think they sell Mandarin Oranges here… Never found them this year or last, have asked around and they all say, “huh, maybe we don’t have them”. They have little California Oranges, but they aren’t the sameSad smile 

What is your Favourite Snack?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pizza Night!

Want your kids to eat all their supper? Have them cook it! This is something we have been doing for a while and it works great. Caleb is my fussy one, and somehow every meal he makes is the best meal EVER!

Generally each child has 1 night per week that they help cook. They pick the meal (usually on Sunday’s we plan the week) then they come in the kitchen at 4:30 and unload the dishwasher and help get supper going. This time we did pizza, but it was no ones night to help, and almost everyone wanted to help! So it was a group effort.

I made the pizza dough: Recipe disclaimer, I am a fiddler, this recipe gives a nice elasticy dough, but the taste could be better. I will tell you how I did it this time and then how I would tweek it later.

This makes 3 big pizza’s… Easily cut in half or thirds.

7 1/2 cups of Flour

3 tbsp of yeast (next time I will only use 2)

3 tbsp sugar (next time I will use 1/4 cup)

3 cups warm water

1/2 cup oil

1 tbsp italian seasoning

1 tsp salt

Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl (I use my trusty Empire Red Kitchen Aid) mix for a bit. Add the water and oil. Knead for 5 minutes or so. If it seems to dry add a bit more oil. (I use Olive)

When it is well mixed put it in a oiled bowl, cover and let sit 15-30 minutes. I always put the bowl somewhere warm, on the stove, under a light, near a candle… Not sure if it is necessary, but my breads and buns ALWAYS turn out.

I like to divide the dough, work onto a pizza pan and then bake for 10-15 minutes (until its just about cooked) then add toppings. Clearly I have a large family, so this makes just enoughSmile , the girls like their own, so we make 2 really large pizza’s and two individual pizza’s.

Here is the where the kids took over (Meliah the 6 year old usually is very involved in the mixing the dough, but she had more pressing things to do, like riding her scooter with Molly her Waldorf doll).

Working on crustIMG_3084Terann laughing at why she isn’t making hers on the pan!IMG_3086Caleb is a bit of a perfectionist! Of course his goal was the best Pizza ever! EVER!

Rationing the Olives.IMG_3089The hand print pizza…IMG_3090IMG_3092Snoopy! Pepperoni, Olive and Cheese.IMG_3097Meliah’s Cheese and Olive Hand Print!IMG_3099Caleb’s best Pepperoni Pizza Ever!IMG_3101Mom’s Ham and Pineapple, with a bit of Olives!IMG_3100Dinner is ready!IMG_3102Terann’s Snoopy is just so cute!IMG_3103

Terann’s Pizza’s past!IMG_2414Hello Kitty!

Cook with your kids! It’s amazing the things you can learn, they become the biggest advocates at the table to try new things, and everything tastes that much better to them!

Favourite Kid’s meals that they help cook:

Breakfast Burrito’s



Taco Soup

Roast Beast with mashed potatoes and gravy

Not Shake n’ Bake Chicken

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Enchilada’s

Baked potato’s and Chicken


Have fun everyone!

10 Fabulous things about 2010!

10. Macjam, MacJam is way more fun than I imagined (I admit I thought it would be lame, but wanted to support Shane!) MacJam ROCKS!IMG_1080

9. Utah – we love living in Utah.IMG_1206

8. Moab- Tanya and her family came down and we had so much fun hiking in Arches National Park.Delicate

7. Using our Air miles for our awesome new camera. I love free. (be sure to note how fat I am in this photo)IMG_1195

6. Winning 4 blog contests (technically 5, but I didn’t claim one of the prizes). Winning is fun, but winning things you love is even better! I would love this trend to stay for 2011!IMG_2651


5. Shane! Not only are we at a great spot, but that guy ran a freaking marathon! Seriously 26.2 miles is far! (He is hot)IMG_2498

4. I got to go to almost everyone of the boys football games. I missed 1 of Josh’s and 1 of Caleb’s.Caleb football

josh tackling

3. I got to see my baby sister have a baby, and then stay to teach her how to bath Ava and all that fun stuff. Even if I had to share a couch with a disgusting chicken, it was worth it.IMG_2531

2. Eli loves me… I love to be an Aunty, and I love that my nephew will skype me and just show me things. Sends his mom away to bake cookies and shows me all his toys… I love it!Heather and Meliah

1. I love 40 pounds in 2010! That rocks!MJH_3189Heather 2

There is more I know, but don’t want to go on forever!

What’s your top ten?