It’s been way to long since I blogged last, so thought I better do one… I don’t really have anything to say, which makes blogging a little difficult!
It’s been a good summer, we are not doing any holidays this year we are just trying to little trips on Saturdays to enjoy the local fun.
One thing about where we live, is there are barely any mosquitoes. Which means my kids love to just sleep on the deck. I myself being a complete worry wart, also love it because there is no access from anywhere our living room. Which means safety!
To celebrate the fourth of July we went swimming at Veteran’s pool and to the fireworks. Veteran’s pool is an outdoor pool with a big pool, two waterslides and a huge area for kids! We love it, it’s pretty affordable to get in, snacks are cheap and plenty of fun.
The fire works were actually way to expensive for us to go to, they have it at a stadium where Carrie Underwood was playing, so instead we went and sat on the lawn at the temple and watched from there.
Meliah couldn’t make it through the entire day with out a power nap. Luckily she had her princess dress on!Waiting…
On Monday the 5th we went on a awesome hike. In Provo you can hike to the Y on the side of the mountain. We decided to take it a step further and come from our house, which involved going up and around the mountain then down to the Y. After we got there (6.5 hours later) we just walked down the switch backs to the waiting vehicle. Shane and I ran the truck there in the morning, unfortunately our brilliant sons beat us to it and decided to play the radio and turn on all the fans, so it wouldn’t start… Luckily we brought the Neighbour boy David and his wonderful dad came and rescued us.
Meliah was a trooper, when she got tired she just held dad’s hand and away she went!
The end result… The Y is really ugly in person! But very cool! It was a great day.
The reward:
Macey’s Ice Cream! $1.29 for all that! Obesity in America? I wonder why? We usually get one to share with our entire family. It is called ‘The Kong’.
We have tried some new hair styles
We have swam at a couple of reservoir. We have yet to find a sandy beach, we still have fun.We have had a surprise party for Shane. Seriously stressful. We tried to convince him to work that day, when that didn’t work we decided to go to a movie… And when at the last minute I didn’t go, which made Shane annoyed at my lameness but it was worth it. We had dinner and a mini MacJam, it was a great way to celebrate Shane.
The spelling mistake….
This is how to spell FUN!
That is about it!
One more photo:
Okay maybe that was two, but this is a cake I made for my friend Sayei’s Birthday. It turned out good.
Okay August ready for you!