Did you know -
Sunday, June 27, 2010
MacJam rocked the night away again!
Did you know -
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A week of action, a week of fun, a week done!
Meliah finished her girl scout program, and is now a girl scout! She is hoping a troop opens up so she can join one.
I had some friends over to get a over view of Steven Covey’s course. My new friend who I adore (Jenny Spadafora) taught it. It was great. She is now going to teach us the series of classes, how great is that?
What I took from the night:
1) Create a mission statement, let it be your map to becoming your best self.
2) Fill your day with your “Rocks” and pour the pebbles around. If you first schedule your rocks, you will accomplish your must do’s and then you can fit in the extra’s if there is room.
3)No matter how organized you are, there is still only 24 hours in a day, don’t try to schedule in 36 hours. It won’t happen.
4) A day planner isn’t a fix all, it only works if you write in it, then read it. You need to use it for it to work…
5) I really need to take more notes…
On Thursday Meliah graduated from Rad Kids. Rad kids is a program to empower children. Teach them confidence and safety.
Rad Kid rules
1) No one has the right to hurt me because I am special.
2) I don’t have the right to hurt anyone else, unless they try to hurt me and then I STOP them.
3) If anyone tries to hurt me, trick me or make me feel bad inside, it’s not my fault and I can tell.
Let me tell you I LOVE this program! I highly recommend if you don’t have this program at your school, you help get it going. It is so empowering for the kids! http://www.radkids.org/kidspage.shtml
Monday, June 14, 2010
Baking, Giggles, and shameless Plugging…
I am so full of idea’s I want to do that I decided to go ahead and start trying some:
How about some cupcake bites!
These nummy little suckers have rainbow cake and cream cheese icing inside, dip in chocolate, consume! Meliah did the decorating:)
Hamburger anyone? These little burgers also have the rainbow cake and vanilla icing inside. Dipped first in dark chocolate, then red and green, followed by Peanut butter chocolate.
Can you spell mmmmm?
At church (http://lds.org/) I teach the sunbeams who are all 3. years old. This week our lesson was on ALL THE MANY THINGS WE CAN DO. Look at some of the things they can do! I had my camera to take pictures for future crafts. Here are a couple of my little goofballs.
How can you not adore this little farts?
Last but not least, a shameless plug for the contest I would LOVE to win! http://alowderphoto.wordpress.com/2010/05/21/blog-world-here-i-am-giveaway/
Need a mecca of ideas for things you can do with cake and chocolate? Try this website, LOVE IT! http://bakerella.com/